Principal Message


Prof. Kazal Chandra Das Principal

I feel great pleasure to switch on the button of the new Dynamic Website of Chandpur Government Mohila College (www.
Now it is the era of science and glorious expansion of information Technology (IT) throughout the world. We, even the every individual of the country, are getting benefits in all spheres of life from the scientific innovations round the clock. To keep pace with the world from economic, social, cultural and technological points of view, the present Government of Bangladesh has set forth some plans and programmes. “Digital Bangladesh” is one of them. The Government has launched some ideas  thoughts and objectives to be fulfilled through the digitalization of every office . On this issue, like other institutions, the teachers of Chandpur Government Mohila College have planned to initiate a Dynamic Website. I would like to express my gratitude to the government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for bringing up this time befitting and cherished  opportunity to the people especially to the students and teachers of the country. I hope that the Dynamic Website will be able to serve the inquisitive students, enthusiastic teachers and responsible guardians by providing them with relevant information as per requirement.
I also hope that the current students as well as the next progeny will find the correct, easy and convenient ways to reach their treasure islands of knowledge, to exchange their views and to make themselves more potential and confident through this auspicious introduction of website .By achieving these, they will be able to make themselves well-equipped fighters on this competitive knowledge-based battle-field in the world.
I also hope that the programmed of digitalization will help our youth to be committed again to the country which we once achieved through the demonstration of a blood-shed fight and noblest sacrifice of our great martyrs in 1971.
Undoutedly, this initiative will expedite the nation’s process of actualizing her dreams. Then far will be near, impossible will be possible, sorrows and miseries will be happiness and joys to the people of Bangladesh.
Finally I would like to say that Chandpur Government Mahila College has started this digital journey in compliance with the mission and vision of the present government.

Prof.  Kazal Chandra Das
